Keep Things Sanitary: How To Protect Your Food Processing Equipment

Posted on: 14 February 2023

When you process food, good sanitation is essential. This includes taking care of the processing equipment you use every day. However, proper sanitation methods can get overlooked. Unfortunately, that can lead to contamination. If you're worried about food processing sanitation, read the list provided below. Here are four steps to ensure proper sanitation in your food processing plant. 

Remove All Surface Debris

When it comes to keeping your processing equipment sanitary, you need to start at the surface. The surface of your equipment can collect a lot of debris. This can include grease, loose food and fluids. If you don't remove the debris, you could end up with contaminated food products.

That's why surface cleaning is so important. To keep your food processing equipment sanitary, remove surface debris throughout the day. You can use a clean cloth to wipe away the debris. Or, you can use an industrial steamer to remove the debris. 

Deep Clean the Equipment

If you want to maintain sanitary conditions, make sure you deep clean the processing equipment. When cleaning the equipment, you need to use industrial cleaning supplies. These cleaning detergents should remove grease, fat and protein from the equipment.

Be sure to scrub the surfaces to remove caked-on food and grease. You also need to rinse your food processing equipment to remove detergent residue. Once you've cleaned your food processing equipment, allow the surfaces to air dry. This will prevent airborne contamination. It will also prevent mold and mildew growth. 

Check for Problem Areas

When it comes to keeping your food processing equipment clean and sanitary, you can't be too careful. That's why a second look is always important. Once you clean your food processing equipment, take the time to inspect the problem areas.

Those are the areas that are difficult to get to. If you find spots that still contain caked-on food or grease, go over those with a scrubber and detergent. This will ensure that even the hard-to-reach places are clean and sanitary. You should do this each time you clean your food processing equipment. 

Use Surface Disinfectants

If you want to maintain sanitary conditions for your equipment, you need to go beyond clean. One of the best ways to do this is to use surface disinfectants on all your food processing equipment. You can apply surface disinfectants to all the surfaces that come in contact with food. Surface disinfectants kill bacteria and microorganisms that get left behind.
